How to Deal with a Teething Baby

How to Deal with a Teething Baby

Whether your baby is 5 days old or 8 months old, teething can be a stressful time. It's not just the pain that babies experience but also the lack of sleep, fussiness, and crankiness (and maybe even more painful symptoms) that go along with teething.

As parents, it's important to know what to expect so you can best help your baby through this difficult time. 

Signs & Symptoms your Baby Might be Teething

While you may assume that teething symptoms are limited to the baby, you may be surprised to learn that many parents experience some of these symptoms as well. If you're the one holding the baby, make sure to watch for:

  • Drooling. This is a telltale sign that your little one's teeth are coming in!
  • Tugging on ears. Babies will often rub their ears while they're working through painful teething episodes.
  • Irritability and fussiness. Many babies become fussy when they're in pain—and if they can't find relief by themselves, they'll let you know all about it! Don't be afraid to ask your paediatrician for advice if necessary.
  • Gnawing on fingers or toys. This is a good sign that your baby is in pain, and they're trying to find relief for those aching, itchy gums by chewing on something!
  • Gumming or biting on objects. This can be a sign that your baby is trying to relieve their own pain, or it could be a sign that they're experiencing something else altogether—like teething symptoms! If your baby begins gnawing on their fingers regularly, particularly if you haven't noticed them doing so before, make sure to talk with your paediatrician about what this could mean.

Common Baby Teething Remedies

If you have a teething baby and want to ease their discomfort, these items will help you deal with the pain associated with teething:

  • Soothing dummy: If your baby self soothes with a dummy, continue to give him or her a dummy at bedtime when teething to help them sleep better.
  • Teething ring: A teething ring that's been chilled in the refrigerator or freezer can also provide some relief for irritated gums.
  • Cold washcloth: You can also try putting a cold washcloth on their gums for around ten minutes at a time throughout the day, as well as after feedings if they're still hungry and crying.

Baby Teething Remedies to Avoid

In case you're still unsure about the safety of teething gels and tablets, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Be wary of teething gels or tablets. Even though they're over-the-counter, they can contain a small amount of benzocaine which could cause serious side effects when swallowed by an infant or child under 2 years old.
  • Only give your baby medication suitable for their age. Aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen are medications that have been linked to Reye's Syndrome in children under 6 months old.
  • Don't use alcohol-based gels or sprays on your baby's gums. The alcohol evaporates quickly and leaves the sweet taste behind—which can lead to more crying!
  • Avoiding dairy products is a good idea if your baby is having a hard time with teething. Dairy products can cause inflammation and swelling in their gums, which makes it harder for them to deal with pain. Some parents also find that giving their babies probiotics can help reduce inflammation.
  • Only use homoeopathic remedies suitable for the baby's age. Always use any remedy only as recommended as they can cause harm if used incorrectly. Even natural ingredients can harm if used in the wrong way.

Give your Teething Baby Love and Support

It's important to know that this stage is short. Teething babies are more susceptible to illness, so it’s normal for your child to have cold symptoms or a cough as you go through this transition. This makes them more fussy and grumpy, which can make it even harder for you as parents!

Teething babies may also struggle with sleeping. They might wake up in the middle of the night because their gums hurt, or they might have trouble getting back to sleep after eating because of their discomfort.

Since teething babies tend to drool more than usual, consider investing in some waterproof bibs and other materials that can be used when washing up after meals or snacks.

Parents need to give teething babies extra love and support during this time because they are experiencing discomfort and pain. Your little one may want the comfort of being carried and soothed by Mum and Dad. 

Choose Ludere for Comfort and Ease with Baby

We hope that this article has helped you to understand more about teething in babies and how to deal with it. You can add to your baby’s comfort by letting them rest or play on our French linen play mats.

Our linen baby mats are hypoallergenic, durable, and made with sustainable materials. Our modern design comes with neutral hues that easily blend with most home interiors. 

Browse our play mat collection here.