linen play mats

At What Age Should Babies Start Using Play Mats?

One of the most appealing aspects of play mats is that you can start using one from the newborn days. While your tiny baby might not interact with any toys or textures yet, observing surroundings from a new angle during their alert time can help with visual development.

Can newborns use baby play mats?

Absolutely! In Australia, supervised tummy time is recommended to start soon after birth, and soft, cushioned play mats provide the perfect surface for this.

Introducing your baby to an infant play mat

While tummy time may only last a few minutes per session in the early newborn days, this gradually builds up as your baby grows. It won't be long until your little one enjoys using their baby play mat for around twenty to thirty minutes at a time.

When will my baby start to enjoy toys on the mat?

Generally, from three to six months of age, babies will start thoroughly enjoying the experience of exploring their environment on their play mat. By this age, some will be strong enough to push themselves up on their hands and interact with toys you place around them.

Some babies begin rolling over at around four months old, which is where your baby play mat will come into its own. Place sensory toys around your baby and encourage them to reach and grab them.

Should I dangle toys above my baby on a play mat?

Absolutely. Dangling toys encourages your baby to reach and grab, developing motor control. They can also help your baby eventually sit up, a milestone they may reach around six months old. Around this time, you'll see your little one start to practice getting up on hands and knees and rocking back and forth to reach the different toys, the foundation of crawling.

When your baby reaches around nine months old, they'll may start crawling. Often they surprise you with their speed, so keep your eyes on them. This is when your baby play mat transforms into a baby crawling mat, as the soft surface protects their hands and knees as they begin to move.

For older babies and toddlers, our play mats make excellent reading zones. Place a box of books next to the mat and encourage your little ones to sit and look through them independently. This encourages open-ended play which lets their creativity flourish.

We designed our range of infant play mats to add style and functionality to any room. Ludere's play mats are crafted from the finest materials and are sophisticated and versatile, perfect for the whole family.